Principal Staff

Oguru Patrick Onen

Managing Director

Mr. Oguru Patrick Onen has a work experience of 20 years in security and business management. He specifically started his career as a Loss Adjuster/Assessor/Investigator, Court Bailiff/Auctioneer and Forensic Handwriting Expert in 2013. He has a Diploma in Human Resource Management (MUBS), Diploma in Law (LDC), Diploma in Insurance (IIU/ITC), Diploma in Document & Forensic Handwriting Examination (SIFS, India), Bachelor in Criminology (Ongoing) Certificates in Law (LDC), Award in Loss Adjusting (ITC), Biblical Discipleship Studies (COU), Orientation Workshop for Court Bailiffs (JTI), Bonds & Guarantee Insurance (ZEP-RE ACADEMY/ITC), Marine Insurance (ITC) and Engineering (CAR/EAR) Underwriting (ZEP-RE ACADEMY/ITC).

Mr. Dafala Khalil

Principle Insurance Officer

Mr. Dafala Khalil has a career spanning 38 years in both automotive engineering and insurance loss assessment/adjustment. He has a Higher Diploma in Mechanical Engineering (UPK), Diploma in Transport Management (MUK), PG. Certificate in Automotive engineering (BGZ – Aachen/Simmerath – Germany), Certificate of Proficiency – Agricultural Insurance (CIN) and Certificates in Risk Management, Underwriting and Claims Management (IIU/ITC).

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